I finished class early this morning and everyone was still in class till later in the day. With nothing to do I decided to go on a walk... which turned out to be an understatement. I crossed the river and walked up to the Piazza de Michelangelo. You could see all of Florence... Everyone was still in class so I decided to walk a bit further up. I found a church called Bascilica di San Miniato al Monte. I ended up first walking into the cemetery which is kinda scary when you're by yourself and there's huge statues of people and angels. I finished walking around and found the front of the church. There was a sign out front but I don't understand Italian and had no idea if I was allowed to go inside. So I did. It was incredible inside. I found this room that said 1 euro to enter but no one was in there so I went in anyways. It was a high ceiling room that looked like a praying area? I don't know but I felt weird so quickly took pictures which turned out blurry and went back into the main part of the church. Once again this church was very dimly lit so I had to use pillars and gates to mount my camera. I then found a downstairs area with yet another Italian sign. With no idea what it was telling me I went down anyways. Down there were a couple confession booths and the tomb of San Miniato who I guess what killed by the Romans. I then left and with still more time to spare walked futher up the hill to the top seeing the other side of the mountain. At this point I was completely lost and after looking at my map found out I walked out of it. With no idea where to go I kept on trucking down random streets and found myself on the other side of the church I was at. I walked down the hill I came and took a detour back home to see more of the city. I probably walked a total of 6 to 7 miles. By the time I got home my roommates were making some pasta for lunch. Perfect timing.
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